blogid : 2541 postid : 1192


राकेश मिश्र कानपुर
राकेश मिश्र कानपुर
  • 361 Posts

The British East India Company in 1750 started cultivating Opium in Bengal and Bihar to finance its own private army of 1.5 lak soldiers . As a result there were many famines and deaths

 in India due to lack of food.

By 1790 they established an monopoly on Opium trade – and poppy growers in Indian could sell only to the East India Company.

Th East India company owned by Jews Rothschild family was just a front for the Queen. She needed the money to prevent the Empire from becoming bankrupt , as she planned to expand colonial rule.
Britain could no longer afford to buy tea from China in exchange for Silver. Opium was the free and easy option. Thousands of Bengali , Bihari and Malva Indian farmers were forced to grow Opium .

The British queen Victoria was the biggest drug trafficker in the 19th century. Britain made drug addicts out of 10 million Chinese. Opium is highly addictive , and heavy users last just 5 years. It makes a entire race passive , with no will to work. Opium was banned in China since nearly 100 years before this.
It was Warren Hastings , the first Governor General of India’s , idea to first traffic drugs to China in 1780.

Even Queen Victoria used Opium ( Laudanum ) , and records exist in the Royal Apothecary at Balmoral, as to how many times Opium was passed on to the royal palace. Gladstone openly took Laudanum ( opium + alcohol in ratio of 1:12 ). A lot of British noblemen were Opium eaters.

The Free Mason Lodges of Britain and USA have their origins in the opium trade, which made them fabulously rich—and they could buy the unlimited power.


In India too we had a similar power brokers. They were the Parsis who came to India as refugees from Iran ,and till the Opium trade started were petty shop keepers and garbage ( raddhi like empty bottles and papers ) buyers/ sellers.

These Parsis made fantastic fortunes by being middle men of the British who trusted them , as they were not proper Indians, and had no scruples when it came to prostituting their souls.
In 1857 the British crown orchestrated the Indian Sepoy Mutiny or The first war of Independence, by provoking the superstitious Indian with pig and cow lard. After that the British Empire under Lord Palmerston just took over India—they did NOT require a front like East India company with a private army any more.

And Queen Victoria officially became empress of India..
The Opium trade in India was controlled by the Parsis . Some of them also started the Indigenous shipping and the Wadia Mazagaon /Sassoon docks.

The King pin of the Parsi lot was JJ or Sir Jamsedjee Jeejeebhoy ( 1753 to 1859 ). He shared his spoils with the British , was their middle-man, and did their dirty work—so they knighted him in 1842 –and made him a Baron in 1857.

He partnered Jardine and Matheson in HongKong to be the leaders of the biggest drug cartel in the world. He was one of the 6 directors of the Bank of Bombay, in addition to owning ships, agencies, brokering houses, and commercial clearing houses.

JJ was initiated into the opium trade by another Parsi by the name of Hirji Readymoney. Hirji has small ships smuggling opium to Canton in 1755. His sudden wealth and splurge earned him the nickname Ready money. Soon Pestonji Bomanji Wadia from Parel , Cowasji, Petit, Patel, Mehta , Modi, Cama ,Tata etc joined them . Wadia built the Cusrow baug, Lal Baug, Navroz baug and Ness baug.

By the age of 39 JJ was a billionaire by todays standards. By 1800 Parsis owned half of Bombay—they invested in land.

As he became older he became respectable and built all the JJ buildings of Mumbai—JJ arts, JJ architecture, JJ commercial art , JJ hospital, Mahim causeway etc.

He was close to the British governor of Bombay Sir Robert Grant for whom built the Grant Hospital, for diplomatic protection . No wonder the British loved him.

After the opium trade went PHUTT they shifted to cotton trade and became respectable mill owners.

Jardine Matheson group is still the Largest Conglomerate group in Hong Kong. We all know who controls Mumbai . Jardine and Matheson had met in 1818 at Canton.

American Elihu Yale used Chinese opium money to fund Yale university.

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